Thursday, November 20, 2008


The robbed that smiles steals something from the thief.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

To Play or Not To Play, Is the Question

there is nothing or no one telling you what to do, it's all up to you.

vibrato or no vibrato, you decide.

so the right answer? the most accurate decision?
it's what you make it to be,
there's no external influence, no 3rd party involved.
it's just you
the bow
and C-G-D-A.

the most beautiful move is the one that you want.
it's what you feel.
it's what you know.

that's what music is, it's what we know to be true to us, every step of the way.
it's a variable expression of who we are, ever changing and always in harmony with us.
because we picked the notes, the pitch, the arrangements.
it's our baby.

you give a song life, and just as easily,
you take that life away.

it's not arbitrary, it's completely planned out.
it's mapped out for us in our past, our histories, the places we've been, the people we've met.
the music we make, the sounds that are each individually worthless but yet together so purposeful and necessary.

it's what you want and no matter how hard you try, you can't get rid of what you want.

it always finds a way to creep back up into your life and scare the living shit out of you.

Monday, October 13, 2008

things i have

i have a database in my brain
that fills up every time it rains
and when it rains
it fucking pours
won't somebody please shut the doors?

i have a hole in my left sock
that i just don't want to sew back up
i like this hole, i like it very much,
it's been there for me,
through tough times and such.

i have a pocket in my right shoe,
that is filled up with tacky glue.
when i see things that need to be fixed,
i can patch them up
no need for tricks.

i have a secret door in my room,
that takes me to a secret tomb.
where i can hide away and play,
and if you come with,
we can be there all day.


I am writing again. And it feels oh-so-so-so good.

Half The Sphere

Half the sphere was my heart,
that spun in circles
worlds apart.
speeding up then slowing
all we did was go round and round.
we found a place to come and rest,
i've put you in a treasure chest
i'll keep you golden,
locked up forever,
i'll open it sometimes, often,
probably never.
And there you'll stay with all your glory,
guarding with you all our stories.
Keep them dear child,
keep them close,
for those will provide comfort
when you need a dose
of that unconditioned love
you held in your hand,
but let slip through your fingers
like grains of sand.
now i'm writing.
now i'm learning.
now i'm preaching.
now i'm earning.
the rights to say that i was right,
and rest assured you wont sleep at night.
you'll be up sleepless moons,
peeping out,
creeping about,
clinging to stories from the treasure chest
come here and put that head
to rest.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Khalil Gibran

“When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.”

-Khalil Gibran

Thursday, September 4, 2008

guh pie lee gor

the moon's beam and ground plane are not my friends tonite.
i look up only to look down, it seems.

i cant see you anymore, you're hiding behind anguish.
i cant feel you anymore, you're inching farther away every moment
i can't hear you anymore, my sadness gets louder every passing second.
i can't touch you anymore, my hands sting you too much.
i can't trust you anymore, for you say one thing and do another.
i can't want you anymore, you're not worth the rejection.
i can't yearn for you anymore, my heart's yearning for something new.
i can't try anymore, i'm losing my grip, my mind and my soul.
i can't wait for you anymore, I don't think you're ever coming.
i can't love you anymore, you don't love me like you did once before.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

In Flight

my escape from reality
he has escaped my reality.
no fate nor destiny can fill me
with that vitality

my fresh breath of air
he has finally soared free
far away to the homeland
searching for a peace of mind endlessly

my vision of hope
he has left long ago
taking loads of faith with him
leaving for me only sorrow

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

could I ever simplify

could i ever simplify such a natural form into a geometry,
could i impel true nature to surrender its arms
of bedazzling convolutes
and to surrender its disposition of
innocence and purity
could i turn it into a geometry,
so as to
relieve it of its convoluted shell and skin
and rid it of these inconsistencies
in favor of a quantifiable existence
to methodize and analyze
these natural tendencies.
how do we?
i still don't want to know how to
be this unaware.
dumb down the layers,
so that not so much as
one touch,
one reach,
could bemuse and excite and resonate
in the eyes and ears
and smile
of a child,
and lost is its concession
to faintly remain the most distant yet intimate
surrender humanly possible.