Wednesday, October 17, 2007

from the translations of another

In Persian, there are four levels of friendship each relating to a degree in closeness and intimacy:
Aashenaa (to know someone casually)
Doost (a close friend)
Rafeegh (your best friend)
Yaar (your inseparable lover)
However, these levels are independent of the type of physical connection you have with someone. These degrees of closeness explain your deep soul connection with another being; your spouse, therefore, may only be your Aashenaa, or you may have a perfect platonic relationship with a Yaar. Some mystics measure their intimacy with God and the Beloved by using these levels. For RUMI, the Beloved and Shams were one, and both (as one) were his Yaar. That could explain why Rumi’s verses are being dubbed “love poems.” Should they be anything less?”

Shahram Shiva on Rumi