Monday, December 18, 2006

i'd love you to sway me

i'd love you to sway me, like you had once a time ago,
sometimes i hope you'll come back, and be the person i know.
but then it hits me, that you are gone for good.
and all i have is this substance
of what you think we've misunderstood.
i do know you, because you are like me.
and i thank you for being my poetry.
don't stop being cruel or harsh.
don't soften the blunts of your words, and don't try to weigh thought on your moves.
if you did, i'd have nothing to prove.
if you did, i would have nothing to say, i'd have nothing to write, i would feel no way.
if you said what i'd hoped, then i would hope no more.
i would get what i want,
and trying would be a bore.
if you gave me that sweet minute, that i've wanted all along,
i'd be missing out on that moment where everything you did was wrong.
and in your errors where i can find desire to strive
my plans of how to win you, i secretly contrive.


This is not Ian said...
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This is not Ian said...

Reading this and having your myspace song on along with my own crapo floating in my thought just made me feel something undescribable.

Thank you for this.

ps. i had to delete the first one coz i couldnt figure out how to edit this thing ... duh

Ikebaha said...

if you said what i'd hoped, then i would hope no more/

& CHRISTEENAAAh, turn off your comments!