Monday, May 21, 2007

the fleeting discourse of nature

Everything tries to do something. It attempts something, it experiments along some parameters, and it eventually reaches some version of the final product it was in reach of.
Yet I don't think anything ever fully accomplishes doing what it intended or was innately driven on doing.
I guess that depends on what you mean by fully and what you mean by doing.
In any case, Flaws are ever present, since truth is ever changing.
What is it about truth that is ever changing and in flux?
The answer to that is another question:

What is it when things are true?

Where does truth come from and what does truth mean to us?
We base things on temporary ideas, built on premises of hypothesis and theory, and those premises of fact or experiment constantly change and evolve. The base of truth is always doubtable, questionable, corruptible. Yet truth is what we pivot our everyday lives around and what molds our conceptions of the environment.
What that tells me about the way things are presented to us in our world, cities and environments is that in a moment of realization one cannot lose sight of the possibility that what we conceive as truth is really not true at all. TRUTH is a figment of our imaginations.

What else?
Oh yess....
Since flaws are always present (because of truth being in constant flux) then presenting pseudo-matter, false information is more successful in nature than presenting truth.

Ok, now I'm just rambling...

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